Naturally the only time ninjas all wear black in Naruto is when there's a funeral. Considering their line of work, there are probably a lot of funerals. I bet they'd save some time if they just always wore black. What a novel concept, ninjas wearing black!
Apparently Tsunade's responsibilities as Hokage involve rapidly stamping hundreds of pieces of paper without reading what's on them? No wonder the village elders are always telling her she's terrible at running the village! She's approving every request put forth to her without any review! Gods, just let Shizune do the paperwork, it's not like she does anything other than look worried and upset all the time.
Kakashi and Azuma have their "we're gonna lay down and die for the new generation" speech. Azuma's already dead in the manga, how long until Kakashi bites it, I wonder? The way he prattles on about how much better Naruto is than him makes his death seem all but inevitable!
Now, maybe it's just me, but all these 'sensei' characters like Kakashi, Iruka, Asuma, and such don't really seem THAT OLD! They look like they're all between 20 and 30!! I'M BETWEEN 20 and 30!! I sure as hell don't feel that old, and I don't feel I'm totally inferior to all the teens out there who are ten years younger than me. I guess they all just have self esteem issues or something.
So we've got some Akatsuki members chasing down a Jinchurriki. Admittedly these guys are badass in the manga, but I think something about the show's bad animation takes off a lot of their edge. Instead, they mostly just seem whiney and annoying (I can relate). And Hidan just won't shut up about how much he loves killing people! Literally every line out of his mouth the whole episode directly relates to his desire to kill. Unintentionally, this makes him hilariously dumb sounding.

which hasn't killed anyone at all."
Naruto is apparently still too weak, despite having won every fight he's been in since the chunin exams AND not killing any of his opponents in the process (other than that monster guy in the second movie, but are the movies even canon?). So how does he wish to counter this supposed weakness of his? By developing a power that won't hurt anyone! Yeah, because Rasengan is just TOO LETHAL. Stop killing all those people with Rasengan, Naruto! You're turning this show into a blood bath! Honestly, you'd think every battle he fought didn't end with a punch in the face and a new friend.
Oh, but I forgot the highlight of the episode! naruto has a wet dream and humps a pillow right in front of Sakura and Sai! You have to see it to BELIEVE IT!
are you going to cry more? if you plan on this, i could fetch you a bucket to catch your salty tears?
>> if you don't like naruto, don't watch it.
if you do, dont whine so much. you are currently spending far longer a week bitching about it than you are watching it.
i too disliked the naruto anime, and on the starting of the first filler ark stopped watching, and now only read the manga. i consider it to be a much better use of my time, as i have no doubt that the filler ark is rubbish.
This blog makes me laugh.
I see that David doesn't get it. Wonder how he found us? ...Could a reader be trying to bother your other hobbies in an effort to receive more updates, but failing to realise that you draw some hits from this and that Joe's scripts need to be more thereof? Could you have a stalker - after all, he knows how long you spent watching it...
...Or did somebody just stumble in...
Ha! Well it's impossible to write a blog that says something negative and not have some negative comments thrown back at you. I'm expecting a number of "if you hate this show so much, stop watching it!/I hate listening to you complain" and such.
you misinterpret me sir! i like that NNFB only updates weekly, in exchange for a level of quality in webcomic art and story that is very rarely seen.
my point is that you seem to have nothing but criticism for something you are going to the effort of downloading and watching religiously every week. THEN (i imagine?) watching the same show again, this time taking screenshots to explain why watching it in the first place was not worth your time?
Why DO you still watch naruto? It appears you also read the manga, so know the forecoming plot, the quality of art in the manga is so much higher than the anime, and the voice acting in naruto (especially the english version, ergh) leaves more than a lot to be desired, and the animation is nothing special.
all i can think of that make the anime superior in any way is that it is in pretty colour, and does all the moving for you!
i fail to believe this is a motivation for an artist which a grasp of colour and "implied" movement such as yourself.
I'll be interested to see if you continue this blog now that (I'm told) the main story is resuming again. Dull filler arcs are almost everyones main gripe with the anime, and if you have a problem with the story of a story based manga like naruto, all it has is angsty teenagers with magical martial arts.
Oh crap, i just ranted at someone for ranting, didn't i?
I say the naruto dreaming peice and seriously spat out the water I was drinking. I'm no professional, but I think the editors OR animators would have caught what that scene not only could have been interpreted for, but almost blatently meant.
I used to like Naruto, but why does he suck more in Shippuden? I hope the writers pull their act together. It's not like they have to WRITE the story, they just have to transpose it.
Ha! All your points are valid, David, and I wish I had a good answer for them. I guess one reason I'm still following the show is that I've been doing so from the beginning and just refuse to completely lose faith in a show with so much potential for awesome. Another is that I enjoy making fun of the things I like! I hold nothing sacred, even my precious Metal Gear Solid series. I'm a huge MGS fan and I poke fun at it's ludicrously complex and over the top plot all the time.
I mean there are other people out there like me who enjoy making fun of the things they love. Google 'Angry Video Game Nerd' or 'Yahtzee Croshaw', two avid gamers who hilariously make fun of every game that comes out, whether they like it or not. Negative reviews are more entertaining to read than positive ones! I'm just trying to be funny with this blog, but I don't expect everyone to share the same sense of humor as me. I'm sure there are plenty of Naruto fans out there who hold the show as sacred and would find such a blog as this sacrilegious!
That's ok, too, though. I'm not trying to appeal to everyone, just the Naruto fans out there who enjoy laughing at one of their favorite series once a week.
i understand, this is entirely my "motivation" for seeing the new star wars movie. "motivation" in it's broadest possible sense, so as to encompass a feeling of duty to waste a few hours of my life for something i expect nothing from, based on the awesomeness of something over 3 decades ago that i can't quite dissociate enough from something it currently is. having read your review of the film, i'm sure you agree :P
i do enjoy watching these things and knowing how much cooler it would be if someone figured out you could use the force to turn off an opponents lightsaber mid 'dramatic clash' and take his face off, but i know they will never show anyone using a cool power to the potential it would have in the hands of anyone as sly and devious as we who have had to make do without for all these years.
i guess this is how you feel about the filler arcs then? great potential confined in the limitations that something people love and know comes chronologically later and makes no reference to these events.
unfortunately, the actions of awesome characters are not necessarily awesome.
One small note:
Naruto has one every fight since the retrieval arc, not the exams. He drew/lost with Kimimaro and lost to Sasuke in that arc, I believe.
But yeah, since then, he and Sasuke have been totally invincible.
Er..."won", not "one". Lord, bad typing night.
I feel the same way about the series myself.
I dont see viewing it this way in the negative either. I mean if you can see all the negative and good qualities of a show and still enjoy watching it, then why not watch it?
Just because you hate some parts of a show doesnt mean your not a fan. :)
What I don't get is why so many dislike the fillers. Yes, they are NOT about the story arc......so what exactly? I have never been able to understand it!
I view things fairly simple in life....if I get enjoyment from it, the time, money or effort I spent was worth it.
I find the filler episodes entertaining, and I know the story is forthcoming, if a bit delayed DBZ style...ok, MAJORLY delayed!
So, the only thing lost by not having story arc anime episodes is....extra entertainment!
I can happily live with that! :)
it's not JUST that it isnt main story, its that the outcomes are going to be tediously predictable!
nothing they do can have a profound enough effect to change how the characters act when the main arc resumes so you can tell right now:
-naruto will not kill anyone
-all bad guys will die by thier own actions in some way
-none of the characters alive at the start of the arc can suffer any kind of wounds
-every character ADDED during the filler arc will die/leave
filler arcs are like an extended episode of family guy - nothing will change between the beginning and the end.
Everything is predictable when it comes to a fictional story about a boy / young man on the side of good who fights people. He is going to win!
Profound effect? This is a half hour anime that I feel is quickly reaching DBZ level length fight scenes! How much story, emotion, character development do you think they can fit in? I don't read the manga, but I think maybe you are hoping the level of writing and depth are carried over from there to the anime even in these filler episodes?
I view these filler episodes just as I previously explained! It doesn't matter if there is no major character upsets, injuries, etc. The episodes are not here to push the story along, but just provide us with more entertainment.
I do not know why Naruto never takes a life, but that doesn't really matter to how I view the anime.
I am just glad to have more material to enjoy, I dislike when animes end so quickly, like FMA or Trigun. They stick to the story, condensed for television, and it feels like they end so abruptly!
Hey, Inacurate. I think, generally speaking, filler arcs are very poorly written. I mean plenty of shows like cowboy bebop or samurai champloo follow a formula where little to nothing changes for the major characters between episodes. So clearly good filler can and does happen!
But Naruto filler tends to be some of the stupidest story telling imaginable. Not that I'm complaining, really, because it's great comedy material, albeit unintentionally hilarious. I don't know what's worse in the long run, having a show drop to such a snail's pace, like naruto, to avoid catching up to the manga, or just making up some random nonsense ending that doesn't really follow the manga or the story's own internal logic, like Trigun and FMA. In my mind it tends to make both types of series unwatchable for a repeat viewing.
And then there's Rurouni Kenshin, which tried to do the filler thing and got cancelled anyway! Damn!
I certainly can't argue the poorly written bit. I am the type of anime person who likes great fight scenes, whether they simply be all fast paced action or emotionally stirring fights you can really get behind, as long as I feel connected.
For a while now, the writers for Naruto have not made me feel that connection! I have no clue what they are trying to do but it seems they are simply trying to extend each fight into three or four episodes!!
Ahh, Rurouni Kenshin...again, don't read manga's but I certainly did love the anime and OVA's!
Do you think it is the business model that is the source of filler episodes? The people running companies who don't know any better who want to try and create more material for future saleability and profits? It almost makes perfect sense....
i just happened to find this section on the home page and i find it most amusing. also love your comic, i look forward to mondays :). just wanted to say about the naruto wanting to learn a better technique deal was, i am pretty sure, to replace bringing out four tail chakra kyubbi, as opposed to using his rasengan.
who said that naruto is still weak well i don't think so.i enjoy all of the episode of its and other anime fans as well.
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