Monday, October 20, 2008

Naruto Shippuuden Ep074

Hey, they modified the opening so it's got a nicely animated fight between Asuma, Shikimaru, and the Akatsuki guys! Pretty badass. Actually, that's probably the best thing about this whole episode!

I really haven't much to say about this episode. Mostly because it was BORING. Honestly, this is a show about freakin' ninjas, all I ask is a stealth assassination at LEAST once an episode. But I digress (or do I? That was kind of on topic, wasn't it?), this episode was basically all about Naruto taking another step forward in his training. The only problem with watching Naruto train, though, is that there's NO WAY to relate to his methods! I mean, we look at Rock Lee and go "a thousand pushups, holy shit!", but we look at naruto and go "ok, he's palming a waterfall. Looks, uh, hard, I guess." Honestly, Naruto training scenes are some of the most tedious training scenes of any anime ever. i'd rather watch Goku train in that time chamber thing he's always training in. Then at least there'd be some martial arts or something!

Once again, why are these guys working together if they want to kill each other so badly??

Because they sure as hell weren't a good team BEFORE THE TIME SKIP.

Yeah, take that, waterfall! YEAH!

Sai's always so matter-of-fact.

"Especially Sasuke. That guy was the shit."

"Remember the time I cut my hair? That was pretty freakin' amazing."

"Quick, Ino! To the NINJA-MOBILE!!"

A day in the life of A NINJA!!!


WHAT? No! Remember that time you, like, uh...cut your hair?

Holy shit, look at him kick that waterfall's ASS!!

Beating up waterfalls is tough business.

That's Naruto, one: waterfall, zero!

And it only took you three tedious episodes!

And that concludes the screenshot portion of this episode! I'm quite a bit behind the series at this point, so I'll see about playing catch-up. Doing these blogs can take a while, so sometimes it's daunting. Oh, I almost forgot about my favorite screenshot of the episode!

Sexually pleasuring Kakashi is tough business!